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Title: Trust and ISA performance in emerging markets in South East Europe
Authors: Sklavounos, Nikolaos 
Rotsios, Konstantinos 
Hajidimitriou, Yannis A. 
Author Department Affiliations: Department of Business Administration 
Department of Business Administration 
Author School Affiliations: School of Business Administration 
School of Business Administration 
Subjects: FRASCATI__Social sciences__Economics and Business__Business and Management
Keywords: International strategic alliances
environmental hostility
emerging markets
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Journal: Transnational Corporations Review 
ISSN: 1918-6444
Volume: 16
Issue: 1
Start page: 72
End page: 88
In this study we explore the critical antecedents of trust in International Strategic Alliances (ISAs). Additionally, we examine the impact of the foreign partner’s trust towards the local partner on ISA performance. Our theoretical development is based on elements drawn from Social Exchange Theory and Transaction Cost Theory. Both theoretical and analytical triangulation strategies are incorporated into the research design in order to better understand the complexity of trust and ISA performance. We empirically examine 171 Greek firms with ISA participation. The results show the positive impact of (a) the favourable local partner reputation, (b) effective communication with the local partner, and (c) the negative impact of foreign partner’s perceived risk of local partner’s opportunistic behaviour, on the degree of trust in ISAs. We also confirm prior work and show the positive impact of the foreign partner’s trust on ISA performance. Furthermore, we investigate the moderating role of environmental hostility in the local market on the impact of the degree of foreign partner’s trust on ISA performance. Additionally, we discuss the strategic implications of the results for managers of transnational corporations and practitioners and provide suggestions for further research.
DOI: 10.1080/19186444.2022.2086402
Rights: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Διεθνές
Corresponding Item Departments: Department of Business Administration
Department of Business Administration
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