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Title: Innovating in Emerging Markets by Building Meaningful IT Alliances
Authors: Papapanagiotou, Konstantinos 
Rotsios, Konstantinos 
Sklavounos, Nikolaos 
Author Department Affiliations: Department of Business Administration 
Author School Affiliations: School of Business Administration 
Subjects: FRASCATI__Social sciences__Economics and Business__Business and Management
Keywords: emerging markets
international strategic alliances
knowledge transfer
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: De Gruyter
Journal: Studies in Business and Economics 
ISSN: 1842-4120
Volume: 16
Issue: 3
Start page: 160
End page: 172
This research examines important firm specific characteristics for the expansion of innovative IT start-ups through strategic partnerships and affiliate networks in the emerging markets of South East (S.E.) Europe. The case of a Greek IT start-up currently seeking to expand in S.E. Europe through partnerships is investigated. The case study analysis reveals that the existence of codified knowledge and the establishment of formal systems and processes enhance successful knowledge transfer in business partnerships and contribute in alliance success. Furthermore, firms should pursue partnerships with reputable firms, while working simultaneously in developing their own reputation that will enable them to more efficiently attract potential business partners. They should also seek for partners with prior collaborative experience in order to increase the development of trust in their alliances which is a critical success factor in business partnerships. In addition, firms should build a team with a diverse academic background and business experience, in order to increase the chances for successful international partnerships. This analysis further enhances the understanding of company characteristics that better position IT startups to form meaningful and successful alliances in emerging markets. Lastly, it provides useful insights on important parameters that startups need to consider and develop in order to more efficiently form strategic partnerships.
DOI: 10.2478/sbe-2021-0052
Rights: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Διεθνές
Corresponding Item Departments: Department of Business Administration
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