Welcome to the online access site of the Institutional Repository of the University of Macedonia "RUOMO". The basic goal of RUOMO is to organize and to register the University's scientific and research material, which will be publicly available online, in compliance with the "Open Access Policy of the University of Macedonia" (as it was validated with the extra Senate's meeting decision number 19/22.4.2019). The members of the University's scientific community, via a simple online process, are able to upload their articles in the Repository. The users, via the Institutional Repository, will be able to freely access the content of RUOMO, which is structured according to the Community-Collection model, supported by the open source online repository management platform DSpace CRIS.
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Revisiting Trust at the Later Stages of International Joint Ventures: The Role of Longevity, Interdependence and Risk of Opportunism
Sklavounos, Nikolaos ; Hajidimitriou, Yannis A.
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Type journal article
The Use of Sustainable Financial Instruments in Relation to the Social Impact Investment: ESG Policies, Capital Markets’ Approach and Investors’ Protection: An Innovative Perspective for a Global Surveillance Authority
Panagopoulos, Athanasios ; Tzionas, Ioannis
Type journal article
Type journal article
Teachers’ Digital Skills Readiness During COVID-19 Pandemic
Perifanou, Maria A. ; Economides, Anastasios A. ; Tzafilkou, Katerina
Type journal article
Type journal article
The effects of markets, uncertainty and search intensity on bitcoin returns
Panagiotidis, Theodore ; Stengos, Thanasis ; Vravosinos, Orestis
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Gender Digital Divide in Europe
Perifanou, Maria A. ; Economides, Anastasios A.
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Internal audits in the digital era: opportunities risks and challenges
Lois, Petros ; Drogalas, George ; Karagiorgos, Alkiviadis ; Tsikalakis, Kostantinos
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Type journal article
The Use of Sustainable Financial Instruments in Relation to the Social Impact Investment: ESG Policies, Capital Markets’ Approach and Investors’ Protection: An Innovative Perspective for a Global Surveillance Authority
Panagopoulos, Athanasios ; Tzionas, Ioannis
Type journal article
Type journal article
Teachers’ Digital Skills Readiness During COVID-19 Pandemic
Perifanou, Maria A. ; Economides, Anastasios A. ; Tzafilkou, Katerina
Type journal article
Type journal article
Composing Semantic Web Services Online and an Evaluation Framework
Markou, George ; Refanidis, Ioannis
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Determining the impact of e-commerce quality on customers’ perceived risk, satisfaction, value and loyalty
Tzavlopoulos, Ιoannis ; Gotzamani, Katerina ; Andronikidis, Andreas ; Vassiliadis, Chris A.
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Recent Submissions
IJV partner relations in emerging markets: the importance of Greek partner's prior IJV experience
Rotsios, Konstantinos ; Sklavounos, Nikolaos ; Hajidimitriou, Yannis A.
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Consumers' Purchase Intentions towards Novel Dairy Products: Evidence from Greece and Serbia
Milijevic, Srdjan ; Sklavounos, Nikolaos ; Rotsios, Konstantinos
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The Central Role of Trust in International Business Research Over the 2017-2021 Period
Sklavounos, Nikolaos
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Innovating in Emerging Markets by Building Meaningful IT Alliances
Papapanagiotou, Konstantinos ; Rotsios, Konstantinos ; Sklavounos, Nikolaos
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Trust and ISA performance in emerging markets in South East Europe
Sklavounos, Nikolaos ; Rotsios, Konstantinos ; Hajidimitriou, Yannis A.
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